venerdì 2 luglio 2010

Vi ricordate il fiore che ho ricamato e pubblicato nel post del 23 aprile?
Molti hanno chiesto come poterlo ottenere ed eccolo qui a portata di stampante: click click

Many of you have asked about the Workabsket freebie I posted on last April 23rd.
Here it is if you're still looking for it:click click

Happy stitching!

3 commenti:

  1. grazie mille !!! ;o) bellissima fiora ;o)

  2. Grazie, vado subito a vedere!
    Ciao e a presto.

  3. Your work is amazing as usual. I have missed our conntection and hope to connect with you again. Life is settling now that grandbaby #3 is here and my mother seems more stable. Work has evolved into constant change, which I'm sadly getting used to. After two years of not touching a needle, I'm back at it and enjoying it more than ever. It's good to check up on you and see you are still doing such lovely creations.
