sabato 30 luglio 2016

Ovunque voi siate, l'augurio è che riusciate a fare almeno un po' quello che vi piace.

(disegno da Creation point de croix n°57, ricamato 1/1 su lino Belfast, per art postal)

5 commenti:

  1. occhi a cuore per un ricmao così!!


  2. Buone vacanze a te!! Ricamo bellissimo!

  3. Here is a link to where you can have a say about this vaccine roll-out by the UK Gov: ⁣ I'm in Canada and I filled it out. It's very important. The deadline is Sept. 18th.

    For or against vaccines is not the issue. UNLICENSED coronavirus vaccine/ any vaccine or drug is another matter!?

    This could be your health, perhaps even your life at stake.

    Guarded exemption immunity of liability from being able to do anything against pharmaceutical companies, government , or individuals if things go terribly wrong!? Same possibly worldwide.

    Do not forget under BG/ WHO instruction the intention is to vaccinate EVERY person on the planet ,eventually.

    Please look and give your opinion but hurry time is running out.


    This was published on the UK governments home web page only 4 days before they ordered lockdown, the UK covid19 status remains the same and has done all throughout the lockdown and is still the same status today !
